Monday, April 5, 2010

peter pan

oh my gosh!!! no i am totally obsessed with peter pan!!!!!!!! (for the record im talking about the Peter Pan by Universal Pictures made in 2003) i CAN NOT get enough!! it is such a fantastic movie it inspires me so much! have i ever said i reealy really reallllllllyyyyyy wanna be an actor!?!?! i wanna be in movies like THAT like PETER PAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! oh my goodness and not to mention Jeremy Sumpter (guy who plays Peter Pan) is absolutey gorgeous! lol no but i hate saying that for fear that u'll think THATs why i love it so much but its not, i just love that movie so much! the.. the EVERYTHING i mean the flying is INCREDIBLE!!!!!! tinkerbell?! oohh my goodness they did such an amazing job with her! Ludivine is so adorable! oh my i cant help but smile my biggest smile when i think about that movie :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AGGGGGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! wow!!! INTENSE joy buzz!!!!!!! oh my word i need a drink of water and a few yoga breathes or i may burst!

1 comment:

  1. Hooray for Peter Pan! And yes, there's much to like about the 2003 version... especially Sumpter.

    Here's more Pan for you... it's a book... and LOOK who has read it and liked it! ;)

