Wednesday, January 27, 2010

they say live everyday as if it was to be ur last .. good luck raina! :P

oh yes! i am homeschooled. fun stuff huh?!... no not really i tend to go crazy being cooped up all the time it sucks alot.. so here i am to write about all sorts of stuff to keep me from intense boredome and tho still on the computer, to keep me off facebook. i need a life. bad. but it'll come! im just waiting now, they say live everyday as if it was to be ur last, how the hell am i supposed to do that?!?!?!? well its absolutley FREEZING where i am (which btw will remain confidential, thank u very much) and i cant do much. seeing as i own no sno pants at the moment and they make ur butt look fat. great isnt it?  just great... well at least im trying now just to get all my schooling done so my chops will be up when highschool comes around! im so excited for summer to come again... hot days on the beach, dancing in the yard like a maniac hoping my weirdo neighbor will see me so i can later call her a stalker.... yeeah... yes i have an absolute b**** as a neighbor, same age as me and we used to be like best friends when we were what?.. four? yeah four. and she was awful, bossy bossy.. so what i tend to do ( :D ) is do wacky things in my yard cuz she stalks me. my best friend now; June. well she goes to school same school as Mega B**** and she was talking to her and MB said she saw us outside doing stuff! and she always watches me thru her window! ha... so no that i know that i like to give her a show ;) like the other day i was trying to start a fire in the snow!! (another story ill tell about later) i really hope she was watching me cuz that was hilarious!! of course it was frustrating for me at the time cuz i really needed to burn these things! and i had this little tent thing up and i was trying to start the fire under there and i was... lookin' like a retard, but i hope she was watching!! hahaha!! shes so awful i love putton on a show! so this summer! me and June  will definatley being doing some wacky stuff that i wont foret to tell u about! it'll be so great! yeah and im also hoping a new boyfriend will be on the way, i dumped one a while ago that i dont want to talk about right now cuz i already have alot. but another post will i tell about that crazy adventure! ;) so!

TTFN! "Ta Ta For Now!" -Tigger from Whinnie The Pooh!


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